Just a few people that know what we think.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


I had the opportunity to check out "the best show" apparently Jay Leno has ever seen, and let me tell you... It wasn't so great. Although saying that is unfair, I did enjoy parts of Cavalia and some of the stunts the humans pulled off were almost jaw dropping. The horses were pretty neat too.

The show is targeted toward rich families with a barn full of horses and expensive acreage, or if they lack the acreage they pay someone in Southlands a fuckload of cash to have their horse sleep, shit and eat there. You might think since I'm not a horse person or fan that I'm not allowed to have an opinion about Cavalia and to that I say - Fuck You.

I was borderline sleeping for the first half of the show. Seriously my eyelids felt like they weighed a million pounds and it was hard to keep my head from doing the sleep nod. I vaguely recall some solo bits with a girl and extremely slow dramatic music, which only added to my boredom. Then came the 20 minute intermission which allowed me to wake up via communicating with people around me. The second half of the show was actually entertaining. Although at one point I was confused why people were clapping since all I saw was a man on a horse walking slowly in circles. Apparently he was doing "fancy footwork" to me it looked like the horse was partially retarded. Wow, your horse can walk sideways, feed it another apple you fucking hipster.

The highlight was seeing the entertainers ride two horses in tandem, while this was impressive enough they even took it to the next level by jumping the horses over things. Although jumping over objects wasn't a horse doing flips or walking a tight-rope like I expected it was still pretty sweet. The music was pretty kick-ass too and would I suggest someone check out the soundtrack. Would I spend $100 to see Cavalia? No.

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